• Phone Number: 312-362-9844
  • 53 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 1340, Chicago, Illinois 60604

Persons seeking legal representation should schedule a telephone or in-person consultation with Attorney Ebere N. Ekechukwu.

For persons seeking immigration legal assistance, please complete the following form in its entirety. If you are seeking any other type of legal assistance, you are only required to fill out the INFORMATION ABOUT YOU section of the questionnaire. When you are done, please sign and date the STATEMENT OF TRUTHFULNESS section and send it to our office by clicking the button marked “Send Questionnaire” at the end of the form.

Please fax any documents relevant to your case to us prior to your consultation at 312-362-9877.

The information contained in the form should be about the person who is seeking the legal assistance.

The information contained in the form should be about the person who is seeking the legal assistance.

Wait a few minutes after you send the questionnaire, then call us at 312-362-9844 to schedule your consultation.

All information contained in this Legal Consultation Form will be kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.